Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tummy Tuesday

I would like to dedicate this post to my friend Layne :o) She is always asking me to post pictures of my baby belly! She just had a precious baby girl in December and all throughout her pregnancy, I kept asking her to post belly pictures too!

I will be five months next week and as you can see, I still don't have much of a belly! Although, rest assured, other areas seem to keep enhancing themselves, which I'm not so thrilled about! The picture isn't the greatest and I look downright exhausted!

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! We had a great time at the pool, grilling out, and spending time with friends and family! We are blessed!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS, you barely look pregnant!! That baby needs a cheeseburger!! :) You look wonderful! And no you don't look exhausted! So glad I got to see that baby belly! :) BTW, I like the color of your bathroom! Love ya!

  2. ALI!!! You look so dang cute!!!! You barely look pregnant!!!
